Culture and Heritage

Hungary has a multi heritage and culture due to the diversity of its population and its neighboring for various European cultures. The government pays special  attention to culture and the arts, especially music and fine arts. Budapest has a large number of museums, theaters and various cultural events throughout the year.


The most important museums worth visiting: the National Museum (Nemzeti Múzeum), the Museum of Fine Arts (Szépművészeti Múzeum), the Hungarian National Gallery (Magyar Nemzeti Galéria), Agricultural Museum (Mezőgazdasági Múzeum), the Museum of Applied Arts (Iparművészeti Múzeum), and many other museums such as the Postal Museum and the Museum of transportation ... etc.


In addition, the famous Opera House in Budapest (Magyar Állami Operaház), which matches the beauty opera houses in Vienna, Milan, Paris, offers year-round many wonderful theatrical and musical performances. You can also listen to the most beautiful classical music in the Academy of Music in Budapest (Zeneakadémia) or in the Palace of Arts (Művészetek Palotája, MÜPA).


There are many cultural and artistic festivals organized in Hungary in general, and in Budapest in particular; including the Budapest Spring Festival (Budapesti Tavaszi Fesztivál) which includes a multi-cultural and artistic events held in April of each year. As well as the Budapest Summer Festival (Budapesti Nyári Fesztivál) that consists of performances of music and popular dances in different places, including outdoor theaters, such those in the Margaret Island in the Danube River, at the center of the capital, and so over the summer months, June and July and August.


For entertainment can visit the big circus in the capital (Fővárosi Nagycirkusz), which is located next to the Zoo and Plants Garden (Fővárosi Állat- és Növénykert).


It should be noted that some of the musical and artistic performances require advance and early booking for a long period from the start of performances, due to the overwhelming turnout of the Hungarian audience to attend these events, so it is favored to pre-booking at the box office for these events or through their websites.