General Information

Hungary is located in the center of Europe, in the Carpathian Mountains basin which has a continental climate. Two-thirds of the area are plain areas and the other third  is marked by  a varied topography with mountains and normal hills.
Hungary is bordered by : Slovakia to the north, Austria to the west, Slovenia to the south-west, Serbia and Croatia to the south, Romania to the East, and Ukraine to the north-east.
The most important rivers are the Danube and Tisza. In Hungary  there is the largest natural lake in Eastern Europe called Balaton, with an area of 596 square kilometers. The lake is directly protected by the state  and is considered one of the most important tourist resorts in Hungary.

Total area: 90,360 square kilometers.

International border line: 2246 km.

Population: 9,944 million according to 2012 records.

Population density: 108 people per square kilometer.

Population is distribute by nationalities as follows:

  • Hungarians : 98.6%.
  • Gypsies, Germans, Croats, Romanians, Slovaks: 1.3%.

Official Religion: Christianity

Catholic (51.9%), Protestant (15.9%), Baptist Protestants (3%), Orthodox (1%)

With religious minorities such as  Judaists, Muslims and others. 

Tips on living in Hungary 

  • Smoking is legally prohibited in enclosed public areas such as malls, offices, restaurants and hotels.
  • Human dignity is sacred and must be respected and protected.
  • Everyone has the right for liberty, security and freedom of speech.
  • Human trafficking is prohibited, as well as drug trafficking.
  • Everyone has the right of respect for his private and family life.
  • Everyone has the right to own, use and dispose of legally inherited property.
  • The right of protection of intellectual property.
  • Respect local laws, especially traffic laws.
  • If you wish to drive a car, Hungarian security authorities require carrying Qatari national or international driving license, avoid driving under the effect of alcohol or other prohibited drugs as it is considered a felony.

National Days and Public Holidays

National Days

  • Independence day : 15th of March (Memorial day of the 1848 Revolution).
  • Saint Stephens Day: 20th of August (St. Stephen was the founder and first king of Hungary in 1001 AD).
  • Republic Day: 23rd of October (Memorial day of the 1956 Revolution).    


Public Holidays

  • Easter: in March or April (according to the western church calendar).
  • Christian religious holiday: usually after 50 days of Easter.
  • Labor Day: 1st of May.
  • All Saints Day (day to remember the lost ones): 1st of November.
  • Christmas: 24th -26th of December.
  • New Year’s day 1st of January.